- Digital Scholarship Group - https://dsg.northeastern.edu -

DRS Project Toolkit: Meet Our Inaugural Group Of Supported Projects!

The Digital Scholarship Group is pleased to announce the projects chosen for the DRS Project Toolkit Pilot program. In this Pilot program, the DSG works with selected digital projects at Northeastern to develop the new tools they need for online scholarship. Projects will store and preserve their digital content in Northeastern’s next generation Digital Repository Service [1] (you can learn more about the DRS here [2]). They will then be able to use platforms like WordPress [3] and Omeka [4] to curate and display this work in an engaging and accessible manner on the web.

The Digital Scholarship Group received impressive proposals from a wide range of Northeastern’s colleges and departments. We are happy to work with the following three proposals to develop and pilot new DRS Project Toolkit features :

These projects join three other new DSG initiatives from earlier in the Spring:

The Digital Scholarship Group also continues to support the ongoing work of the Women Writers Project; Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive; The Early Caribbean Digital Archive; Viral Texts; Digital Humanities Quarterly; and TAPAS. For more information on projects supported by the Digital Scholarship Group, please visit our Projects [8] page.

If you’d like to contact the Digital Scholarship Group, please email us: dsg@neu.edu. We are also on Twitter: @NU_DSG. [9]