DSG Procedures

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Identifying a DSG Project

The DSG has established a set of criteria for assessing new project applications to make sure they fit with the mission of the DSG. These criteria are listed on the DSG Policies page.

New Project Applications

Podio App and Web Form Submissions

All new project applications are submitted via the Podio web form located on the DSG website at http://dsg.neu.edu/projects/new-projects/project-application/. The Podio app is located at https://podio.com/neuedu/digital-scholarship-group/apps/projects and can be modified as needed.

For easier tracking of new submissions to Podio app, follow the app by checking the box located in the sidebar below the name of the app and make sure that your account is set to send you email notifications if anything happens in anything you follow (go to My Account > Account Settings > Email & Notifications ).

Communications Templates

Communications templates are likely needed for emails that can be sent when the DSG receives a new application and either accepts or rejects that application. A draft for the email to be sent when a project is accepted has already been added to the wiki. The email to be sent for projects that do not meet the criteria of a DSG project should be sent an email with links to resources that can help them develop their project.

New Project Intake Interviews

Confirming Date and Time of Intake Interview

Once a date and time for the intake interview has been decided, the current coordinator should send an email confirming the date and time to the individual who submitted the application. An template for that email is located here. Please make sure that the following set of questions is attached to the email.

Questions for the Intake Interview

General Project Information

  • Project Name
  • Project Lead
  • Department
  • Anticipated support needs

Intake Interview Questions

  • What is the subject of your project?
  • What types of data are you working with?
  • How will this data need to be modeled and managed?
  • What is the anticipated duration of your project?
  • How long will you require the services of the DSG?
  • What are the major phases of your project?
  • Who is the audience of this project, and what is its size and scope?
  • How will your project be funded?
  • What are the specific goals of your project?
  • Which goals are considered time sensitive?
  • What prior skills, knowledge, or expertise do you have involving digital scholarship?
  • Will you need access to any specific types of training via the DSG?
  • Is there any other information about your project that the DSG should be aware of?

Service Requests

General Service Requests

The general service request form is located on the DSG website at http://dsg.neu.edu/resources/service-request/. The app can be found on Podio at https://podio.com/neuedu/digital-scholarship-group/apps/service-requests and can be modified as needed.

For easier tracking of new submissions to Podio app, follow the app by checking the box located in the sidebar below the name of the app and make sure that your account is set to send you email notifications if anything happens in anything you follow (go to My Account > Account Settings > Email & Notifications ).

Currently, the general service request app can accommodate requests for GitHub repositories, server space, training, adding new accounts or users to existing DSG-supported accounts, and changing access levels for these accounts. An "other" option has been left in case of additional service requests.

Email templates may or may not need to be drafted to notify individuals when the DSG has received and/or completed their request and should be specific to the service being provided. New email templates should be added here under an appropriate heading.

Git HubRepositories

GitHub repositories can be requested for current DSG projects using the general service request form. After receiving a request for a GitHub repository, the coordinator should email the person who submitted the request to determine what the repository should be called, if the repository needs to be public or private, and what the individual's GitHub username is so that they can be added to the appropriate Admin team within the DSG's GitHub organizational account. If they do not already have a GitHub account, they can sign up for a free account by visiting https://github.com/.

An email template for responding to requests for new GitHub repositories can be found here.

Setting Up a GitHub Repository

NOTE: The process below has not been tested with an actual project repository yet and may need to be modified. Specifically, it is unclear what privileges admin teams will have and whether or not this is the appropriate level of access. It should, however, be fine if those on admin teams CANNOT create/modify repositories in the NEU-DSG organizational account but CAN add collaborators to their repositories who will then be able to push to and pull from the repository.

Once the DSG has received the name for the new repository, its visibility (public or private), and the username of the first administrator to be added, a member of the DSG can set up the repository, create the admin team for the repository, and add the first admin to the team. All members of the Owners team of the DSG-NEU GitHub organizational account have the ability to create and manage all repositories and teams. Admin levels teams should be made for each DSG project that has a repository. Those who are part of an admin level access team should be able to add collaborators to the repositories associated with their team, but should not be able to create new repositories or change the visibility of their repository. Additionally, all GitHub users can be assigned to as many teams as needed.

  • Create the Repository:
    1. Go to https://github.com/NEU-DSG.
    2. Click the "+ New Repository" button.
    3. Fill out all the necessary fields and then click the "Create Repository" button.
  • Create the Repository Admin Team:
    1. Go to https://github.com/NEU-DSG.
    2. Click the "Create New Team" button in the Teams box on the right.
    3. Name the team (example: reponame-admin) and set the access level to admin and then click the "Create Team" button.
  • Associate the Repository and Admin Team:
    1. Click the "Repositories" tab on the appropriate team page. (All DSG-NEU teams can be viewed at https://github.com/orgs/NEU-DSG/teams/)
    2. Enter the name of the repository you wish to give this team access to and select it from the list that appears.
  • Add Users to the Admin Team:
    1. Click the "Members" tab on the appropriate team page. (All DSG-NEU teams can be viewed at https://github.com/orgs/NEU-DSG/teams/)
    2. Enter the username of the person you wish to add to the team and select them from the list that appears.

Omeka, OJS, and WordPress Installation Requests

The installation request form is located on the DSG website at http://dsg.neu.edu/resources/installation-request/.

Once the DSG becomes aware of an installation request, a task should be assigned through the Podio submission to Karl Yee, who will handle the installation.

Once the installation has been completed, Karl will typically send a boilerplate email to the site administrator with their login credentials and additional information about their installation and where to get more help. The email template can be found here.

Contact Forms

Two contact forms feed into the DSG primary email account: the DSG contact form and the library digital scholarship contact form.

Tracking Project Progress

We previously discussed collecting information about projects for the purpose of demonstrating outcomes at the DSG to the University. Still need to determine what exactly we want to be collecting information about for this purpose.