Scholarly Objects Schema

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The Scholarly Object (SO) standard is a locally created schema to define the scholarly objects in the DRS. It is used by Hydra to select objects to display in the feature list on the home page, as well as in departmental smart folders. Therefore, Datasets, Presentations, and Research Publication nodes will appear rather sparse. Learning Objects and Theses and Dissertations nodes have a few more defining fields. For more information about how Scholarly Object are defined and used in the DRS, see the Scholarly Objects content page.

Elements and Attributes


The root element for SO data is <scholarly_object>, which can contain three other elements: category, department, course_info, and degree.


The value for <category> is limited to the scholarly object list: Datasets, Learning Objects, Presentations, Research Publications, and Theses and Dissertations.


<department> is a simple string value for the name of the department(s) associated with the object.


<course_info> is a wrapper for the <course_number> and <course_title> elements and is used only for the Learning Objects category.


The <degree> field is employed when the value of <category> is 'Theses and Dissertations'. It is limited to 6 prescribed values:

Degree Name Field Value
Doctor of Law and Policy D.L.P.
Doctor of Education Ed.D.
Master of Arts M.A.
Master of Fine Arts M.F.A.
Master of Science M.S.
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D.




Learning Objects

 <category>Learning Objects</category>
  <course_number>EECE 7280</course_number>
  <course_title>Fourier and Binary Optics</course_title>



Research Publications

 <category>Research Publications</category>

Theses and Dissertations

 <category>Theses and Dissertations</category>
 <department>Northeastern University. Bouvé College of Health Sciences. Department of Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology.</department>