WWO Philologic

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General info on the Philologic setup in WWO


current version: philologic-v3.001


Installing Philologic itself should be left to STG's dedicated CIS person Peter DiCamillo. There is useful info in INSTALLING, in the Philologic src files.

These are the configure options Peter has used in the past: --with-authuser-group=wwp --with-cgi-path=/var/www/cgi-bin/newphilo --with-web-path=/var/www/htdocs/philologic --sysconfdir=/opt/local/etc --bindir=/opt/local/bin

Important directories

/opt/local/src/philologic/ - all source files, including sub-directories

/opt/local/bin - philoload; search3

/opt/local/etc/philologic/ - dbnames; dbnames.pre.xxxx; philologic.cfg (all generated files)

/var/lib/philogic/ - in utils/ is mkbiblio-twig.plin; in etc/ is load.database.sql

/var/www/cgi-bin/newphilo/ - (lots of Perl files, eg. gimme.pl - BUT ORION SAYS THIS gimme NOT USED NOW)

/var/www/htdocs/philologic/ - images/; philosearch.html (main search page - we replace this with a PHP one)

  • Nb. images/wwo/lib/ contains important files such as Results_Header.html, etc.

/tmp/philohistory/ - stores search histories

Changes you need to make after installation

Nb. the directory /custom/ should contain up-to-date copies of the files concerned

See Custom Files: Details below

After a new install of Philologic3:

replace /opt/local/bin/philoload with custom/philoload

replace /opt/local/etc/philologic/philologic.cfg with custom/philologic.cfg

OK-- replace /var/lib/philologic/utils/mkbiblio-twig.plin with custom/mkbiblio-twig.plin

OK-- replace /var/lib/philologic/utils/xml-sgmlloader.plin with custom/xml-sgmlloader.plin

OK-- replace /var/lib/philologic/installdir/crapser-egrep-2field.plin with custom/crapser-egrep-2field.plin

OK-- replace /var/lib/philologic/installdir/gimme.plin with custom/gimme.plin

OK-- replace /var/lib/philologic/installdir/lib/philo-db.cfg with custom/philo-db.cfg

OK-- replace /var/lib/philologic/installdir/lib/philosubs.pl with custom/philosubs.pl

OK-- replace /var/lib/philologic/installdir/lib/Results_* with custom/Results_*

OK-- replace /var/lib/philologic/etc/load.database.sql with custom/load.database.sql

OK-- replace /var/lib/philologic/etc/load.subdoctables.sqltmplet with custom/load.subdoctables.sqltmplet

OK-- replace /var/www/htdocs/philologic/philosearch.html with custom/philosearch.php NB. SUFFIX CHANGE!

!!!NOT PUT HTML CODE FROM SEARCH2T IN YET:-- replace /var/www/cgi-bin/newphilo/search3t with custom/search3t

replace /var/www/cgi-bin/newphilo/search3 with custom/search3

replace /var/www/cgi-bin/newphilo/showrest_ with custom/showrest_

OK-- replace /var/www/cgi-bin/newphilo/artfl_kwic.pl with custom/artfl_kwic.pl

Custom files: some details

philoload - see CHANGES file for details

philologic.cfg - see CHANGES file for details

philo-db.cfg - specifies path to agrep and mysql socket on Golf;

philosubs.pl - BUG THAT MO WILL FIX: two extra regex substitutions for parens;

also changes to the default bibliographic display;

split on tabs instead of whitespace;

carry over search word to second search;

crapser-egrep-2field.plin - changed %ACCENTS array; put in actual paths to egrep and gawk

mkbiblio-twig.plin - reduced no. of fields, and custom WWP XPaths

gimme.plin - reduced no. of fields to match mkbiblio-twig.plin (NOTE: they *must* match)

load.database.sql - reduced no. of fields, drops "local" from load command

load.subdoctables.sqltmplet - drop "local" from load commands

artfl_kwic.pl - at line 60, an "else" statement suggested by MO

philosearch.php - WWO look and feel; WWO custom functions; changes of wording, formatting, etc.

Results_Footer/Header - customized for WWO

xml-sgmlloader.plin - see CHANGES file for details

search2t - HTML

code added to the frequency report code search3 - path to search3 binary needs to be /opt/local/bin/ showrest\_ - replace ${prefix} with /opt/local/; add /opt/local/bin to $ENV path

MySQL part

/opt/local/bin/philoload, line 190: apparently copies $PHILOBUILDDIR/etc/load.database.sql into $IMAGE/load.database.sql where $PHILOBUILDDIR = /var/lib/philologic/

To check what's in the MySQL Philologic database:

/usr/local/bin/mysql \-u root \-p

enter password

mysql> use philologic;

mysql> select * from wwo;

mysql> quit;