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data management planning process

looking at template for crediting people -Jim, Sarah, Hillary

talking with Jen Anderle about credit / taking content with you? developing pre-approved templates talk to Jen about WordPress install

mult-level metadata creation process depending on the interest and aims of the projects

schema writing workshop

talking with Jen Ferguson about how they’re treating attribution in the sciences

DRS Project Toolkit Meeting: Holocaust Awareness Committee

Holocaust Committee -most of the content is in the general collection -Archives already has a lot of priorities for the summer, so adding content will be -people who will be reformatting VHS tapes; need to be reformatted in real time Jonathan Ianone(sp) and Thomas Bary -the metadata for the video records isn’t a problem -the archival collection material though: a need to determine the metadata needs and the labor involved in adding it to the DRS

stuff they’ve already digitized a small quantity of high-priority stuff that we could fit into a queue

-flagging things for scanning -them providing categories

workflow from the Archives perspective -Archives gets $2K a year for “supplies" -money to outsource works -line item for a coop whose job is to process collections; money has been used to fund graduate students to work on projects -not a labor source but a funding source for projects? -we can do projects, but we can’t promise a firm timeline for projects -three part-time workers that run point of service

Digital Production Manager that has a budget and can manage students scanning lab

we have a lot of their physical materials we don’t item-level the catalogue charge for scanning

WordPress overview with Eli

Eli’s discussion: using the media library to work better with plugins

site domain names server space for projects?

having their instance Credits Page Branding Stock Home Page Some options Activation of plugins

Embedding guidelines

Crediting participants: building template for how to credit people on digital projects What rights do participants have; what’s the IP code review process for projects; what it would look like