
From Digital Scholarship Group
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  • The DRS is officially in 1.0
  • The CCIS class will present their work on TAPAS and CERES tonight.
  • The DH Open Office Hour schedule is being put together, and if anyone would like to talk or present they should contact Abbie.
  • The DSG Website will be getting an overhaul, mostly aesthetics and some outdated pages.
  • The WWP Workshops are now open for registration.
  • We have hired a new programmer/analyst.
  • Linda will be leaving at the end of January as her 2 year contract comes to an end.
  • Bahare and Steven presented on their workshops.
  • Bahare has had over 146 consultations, with a mix of students, faculty, and staff.
  • One of the biggest issues with getting attendance is advertising. We'd like curated lists and more connections to outside groups.
  • It may be worthwhile to target schools who have students that frequently come in for consultations.
  • Steven gave 6 workshops.
  • In planning for next semester, there were some broad lessons learned. Since there are so many guests lectures, and they ranged a lot in audience needs, it's not sustainable to create a new lecture for every class. Instead, Steven is thinking of creating a menu of options for faculty to choose from.
  • Workshops and course lectures seem to be the most likely first point of contact for those who use the GIS and DataViz services, though Bahare also gets a lot of phone calls and office hours.
  • Bahare mentioned that some of office hours act like advanced tutoring sessions, and many students have shown significant growth over the semester.
  • Closing question: What would a good workshop to offer internally to the library be?
  • Sarah would be interested in a survey of the mapping and timeline tools, and their basics.
  • Interest was also expressed in a workshop combining XSLT and DataViz.