
From Digital Scholarship Group
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  • Bahare is still working with the Marine Science group on getting their atlases updated.
  • Linked open data is becoming quite important.
  • It came up at the Hydra meeting this past week.
  • Jeff has sent around the Linked Jazz project, which models data among people.
  • Linked data uses URIs to name things.
  • Uses RDF triples to create these networks - predicates or properties describe the relationship between a subject and an object.
  • RDF often uses Turtle syntax as a language to annotate the data.
  • Formality can allow for sophistication but it also makes things for complexity and can reduce interoperability
  • Semiformal ontologies use the idea that "a little semantics to goes a long way."
  • Sharing, reuse, and extensibility are guiding principles for the vocabulary in RDF.
  • Foaf is for relationships among person entities - there are sets like this for seemingly every kind of relationship
  • Groups sometimes coin proprietary terms to gain more specificity - using outside subject experts
  • There will be another session on Linked Open Data again in a few weeks building off some of these principles.