Dsg 2015-04-02

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  • Since our last DSG meeting, we received four new submissions to the DRS Project Toolkit.
  • Eli has made it possible to have events listings created in Podio appear in WordPress. Amanda and Jim are following up on logistical details re: the mechanics of posting events in Podio.

Assessment Update

Amanda walked us through the assessment documentation and asked for advice on how to revise and improve this material. Several DSG staff members left comments in Google Drive (the "DSG Assessment Plan" document). The documentation and comments can be found in the DSG's Google Drive. Some additional comments from the discussion at the meeting:

  • The challenges of how to document and assess the time and energy spent on coding / development: keeping track of time spent on work seems to make more sense than tracking lines of code, for example, but it can be difficult to keep track of time commitments when multi-tasking.
  • Syd, Linda, and Eli addressed additional questions of assessment with regard to coding / technical work and what seemed useful to monitor and inventory.
  • Thinking about the mechanics and logistics of feedback requested from workshop participants: what questions workshop organizers want to ask, what questions the library might be interested in, where responses are stored and discussed.