March 5, 2015

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Tweeting the Textbase

To give people entry points to our textbase during Women's History Month, we're going to be tweeting 'texts of the week'—things that are fun, exciting, interesting, &c. So far we have Cavendish's Blazing World, Davies's Warning to the Dragon, and Elizabeth I's Tilbury speech. If you have any suggestions for other texts we could do, please send them to me.

Change Logs

​As a quick reminder, please make sure to fill out change logs in your TEI files whenever you make major changes, especially anything that moves a text along in our publication process. Since the change logs have been completed a few different ways in the past, make sure you're following the current model:

<change when="2014-02-10" who="personography.xml#yourkey">Description of your change.</change>

Suggestions For Training & New Encoders

Thanks for a great discussion on training & tips for new encoders. If any more ideas occur to you, please either send them to me or add them to the shared document (whatever is easier for you).

Meeting Notes

In a slightly meta note, I mentioned that all of our previous meeting notes are available not just in the listserv but also in the DSG Wiki. You can see them here: Encoding Meetings