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Management of Materials for Seminars and Workshops

Creating a new venue

Move to the parent directory (currently /var/www/html/WWP/outreach/seminars/ on wwp-test, although this can be done from the same directory in any working copy of the Subversion repository). Issue ./newEvent.bash VENUE, where VENUE is the name of the new directory. It should contain only lowercase letters, digits, hyphen, underscore, and dot characters. See the existing directories for the patter we use for venue directory names.

The new venue directory will be established and added to Subversion, but will not be checked in to Subversion. A block message will be displayed reminding you of this and of the next steps.

Generating HTML

From the venue base directory (e.g., seminars/buffalo/) issue ./yapsOut.bash files. E.g., if you make changes to presentations/duck.xml and presentations/quack.xml issue the command ./yapsOut.bash presentations/duck.xml presentations/quack.xml.

Then check to see whether any new HTML files have been created, or any old ones can be deleted. E.g., let's say that before you issued the yapsOut.bash command there were 5 "duck" slide files presentations/html/duck_00.xhtml through presentations/html/duck_04.xhtml and 10 "quack" slide files presentations/html/quack_00.xhtml through presentations/html/quack_09.xhtml, but that afterwards there are 6 and 8 respectively. You will need to add the one new "duck" file to the subversion repository, and you should delete the 2 old "quack" files. Using svn stat -u presentations/html/ is an easy way to find the new files that need to be added (they will be listed with a '?'). Subversion doesn't provide a particularly easy way to find the old files to be deleted. (Listing the files and looking at the timestamp is one way.)