WWP Prefixes

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prefix pneumonic match replace where comments
b bibliography (\i\c*) ./bibliography.xml#$1 textbase/IN, IN, MME/IN Refers to entries in the Intertextual Networks bibliography.
e event ? ? ? Probably not in use, as WWiC would be the only one to use it.
ea exhibit editorial (\i\c*) ./editorial.xml#$1 exhibits Possibly legacy?
ep exhibit person (\i\c*) ./persons.xml#$1 exhibits
el exhibit location (\i\c*) ./places.xml#$1 exhibits
ee exhibit event (\i\c*) ./events.xml#$1 exhibits
l location ([A-Z]{1-6}(-[A-Z]{1-6}){0-6}) ../common/places.xml#$1 WWiR
mbel Mary Baker Eddy Library ? ? MBEL not really in use any more
p person ([a-z]{2-9}\.[a-z]{3}) ../common/persons.xml#$1 WWiR
p person ([a-z]{2-9}\.[a-z]{3}) ./personography.xml#$1 textbase
p person ([a-z]{2-9}\.[a-z]{3}) ./personography.xml#$1 IN
s source ([a-z]+) ../common/periodicals.xml#$1 WWiR
t textbase ([\w-]+\.[\w-]+)#([\w\.-]+) http://www.wwp.northeastern.edu/texts/$1.html#$2 IN Used to point to specific @xml:id'd elements within a WWO document.
w work ([a-z])+ ../common/received-texts.xml#$1 WWiR
mb MME bibliography (\i\c*) ./bibliography.xml#$1 MME future!

Note: all replacement strings that are to relative URIs start with “./” even if the actual value of @replacementPattern does not.

glossary of where