DRS Notifications

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Notifications for Edited and Newly Added Scholarly Content

Daily Featured Content Uploads and Updates - [X] items

2015-03-27 0926 edit.png

When activity is logged in a Smart Collection ("Theses and Dissertations", "Research Publications", "Other Publications", "Presentations", or "Datasets") information about the new or edited file will be compiled and sent in a digest email the following day:

New Files
A new file notification will be triggered when a faculty member deposits a file to one of his or her Smart Collections (Research Publications, Other Publications, Presentations, or Datasets), or library proxy staff deposits on his or her behalf.
Updated Files
An updated file notification will be triggered when someone edits a file in one of the system generated Smart Collections (ETDs, Research Publications, Other Publications, Presentations, or Datasets) using the "Edit" tab on the files details page.

Who could have triggered this notification?

  • The faculty member to whom the file belongs.
  • A library staff member with proxy privileges (list current as of March 27, 2015)
Hillary Corbett
Larry Hibbler (Law)
Sarah Jean Sweeney
  • A DRS staff member (list current as of March 27, 2015)
David Cliff
Hillary Corbett
Kristin Louise Flachsbart
Kevin N. Grant
Larry Hibbler
Daniel Jergovic
Sarah Jean Sweeney
Ernesto Valencia
Patrick Yott
Eli Scott Zoller

Sample Notification

XML Editor Notifications

[cerberus] XML Edited for...

A notification will be sent to the DRS Metadata email address when metadata for a DRS object is edited using the XML editor tool.

2015-03-27 0926 XML.png

The old and new MODS xml files will be attached to the email for comparison. A quick way to view the difference between the old and new metadata files it to visit https://www.diffchecker.com, drag the old and new files into the separate boxes, and click "Find Difference!". The unique sections will be highlighted in red and green. This tool is being actively used by DRS staff, Metadata staff, and Archives staff:

David Cliff
Hillary Corbett
Kristin Louise Flachsbart
Kevin N. Grant
Daniel Jergovic
Daniel Joseph Lavoie
Giordana Mecagni
Martha E Pearson
Michelle Romero
Sarah Jean Sweeney
Patrick Yott
Eli Scott Zoller

Sample Notification

Xml Editor Alert
The XML editor has been used by a user. Their attributes are as follows:
*Name: [Name]
*Email: [email]
*Core File PID: neu:xxxxxxxxx - http://repository.library.northeastern.edu/files/neu:xxxxxxxxx
Both old and new xml files have been attached, reflecting the change made to this metadata.