DRSPT Arader

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118 records for images of maps, animal, and botanical prints

Changes Made


Edited titles to accurately reflect titles in schedules or on items


Authority work

  • Changed names authorized forms from LCNAF
  • Added @authorityURI and @valueURI to each <name>

MARC relators

  • Added more specific role terms
  • Added @authority, @authorityURI, and @valueURI to each <roleTerm>


verified dates against schedules and edited where inaccurate

Metadata Workflow

For each record:

  1. Edit titles
    • Use schedules, Northeastern Arader sites, and objects themselves to verify titles. Make corrections as necessary.
  2. Edit names
    • Use authorized names from LCNAF wherever possible. Add @authority="LCNAF" and @authorityURI and @valueURI for each <name>. Retrieve URIs for vocabulary and values from the LC Linked Data site--LC Names.
    • Add <role> element for each <name>. For the <roleTerm> value, use the MARC Relator vocabulary. Favor more specific terms over more general ones. Add @authority="marcrelator" and @authorityURI and @valueURI for each <roleTerm>. Retrieve MARC relator terms and URIs for vocabulary and values from the LC Linked Data site--MARC Relators.
  3. Edit dates
    • In <originInfo> element, verify dates in any of the date elements against schedules, Northeastern Arader sites, and the objects themselves. Make corrections as necessary.

Project Files